Challenge 4

My recent interest in Syrian and Iranian refugees has been collectively uprising due to the participatory culture that has been instilled in me by this Transfer Seminar class. It’s such an interesting and controversial topic that you can only feel as if you need to do something about this matter.
Social media can be an extremely useful connection to these issues since these sites are used by people around the world, some who might have better understanding of the social issue.
Two of my favorite social media sites are Instagram and YouTube. Instagram connects interesting points of different Instagramers along with powerful pictures. You can like the post, repost or even comment what you feel in regards to the issue.
YouTube on the other hand can be used to make videos without any sort of time boundary to better explain your point, or simply share with people facts about your social issue.
Both of these places gives you a worldwide audience if you use the sites well. In both of these sites you can filter your thoughts and focus on a more intricate point.
I tend to lurk on this topic a lot due to genuine interest. At least once a day. I always place myself in their shoes and wonder how horrific it must be to be in that predicament. Torn and pushed away from a seemingly distant and terrifying place you once called home.
The contributions on Instagram surpass the ones by users on YouTube.
You can filter the subject by using a hashtag that can be common in relation to the issue.
What surprises me are the association of these refugees to past refugees. Times in history where this situation has happened. It’s funny, but history truly does repeat itself. However, when living in the present and this issue is a reality, it is harder to accept and treat it as an important issue like it should be.