challenge 4.2

So I guess when I was reading it sort of muddled together and I did a bit of both. I’m lurking on facebook and twitter. Anaylizng, comparing and contrasting what I find on a certain topic; mine is the affordability/cost of college tuition. This I found on twitter. Which is on the rising cost of room and board. I can relate to that that’s why I decided not to move to campus. Its much more expensive with an added meal plan you probably wont use and its non negotiable.

So before when I first started on this topic I didn’t see very many posts that gave facts on social media that weren’t for companies that wanted your business.  But now I’m starting to see even more political posts and how people are going to handle the task if they get elected.

While on face book I came across another article that goes along with most things I’ve found.That the rising cost of tuition is continuing. How its adding up little by little.

This is just a photo I thought was funny

I’m starting to conclude that college is not affordable for most people  who cant obtain help either financial aid or loans. To my dissatisfaction the facts are true  college is super expensive Hopefully those  that say theyre for change are really. But the the fact that costs have risen is alarming how ever some are over exaggerated to get the point across its not as high as they make it out to be..