Challenge 4: Component 2: Lurking Week 2 (For or Against?)

This week we have continued to lurk on our social media sights. For those of you who didn’t read my last post, lurking consists of silently following a certain sight and watching what they are doing without commenting on anything or making your presence known. As I stated before I felt kind of weird doing this when I first started because I felt like a creeper, but once I got used to it I was able to understand the positive effects of it. Last week I was shocked to see the wide variety of positive and negative views on my topic of the refugee crisis, but as I’ve lurked more and more I have opened my eyes to both sides of this topic. I saw people becoming more involved with my topic by lurking more and this week I have examples of both from the sites I have been lurking on, which are YouTube and Instagram. On YouTube I came across this video on the five things media wont report about the refugee crisis. This video made me think, so here’s the link in case any of you would like to check it out. ( On Instagram, I came across a page of a woman who decided to actually put herself through the refugee crisis and write a blog about it. I really liked this because she could have easily just tried to go and fins some stuff out about the crisis and report it. Instead, she experienced it and is now writing from first hand experiences. She also takes questions on her blog post and posts lots of pictures from her experience so I am definitely going to continue following her blogs to learn more. Here is her blog in case any of you would like to as well. ( I still believe that we should be taking these refugees in; although there is conflict I believe we need to help one another. I found a picture that really spoke to me and made me realize that we need to make a difference. I am attaching the photo so you all can see it, and I want you to remember the first thought you have when you read it.
