Challenge 5-3 Be Active!

Hey Guys! For our final week of being active I decided to do two things with my twitter account: direct message people that have followed me back and search for more accounts using the recommended section using the accounts that followed me. Quick reminder I have been engaging in accounts that have to do with mental health!

So, to get the week started I logged into my account and noticed that some of the people that I followed the week before followed me back. In twitter when someone you follow follows you back it allows you to use this feature called direct messaging. Direct messaging or DMing is useful when people want to reply with something privately instead of a public response, plus you do not have to worry about the 140 character limit in a DM. I also used DMing in the hope that the notification that they had a message was enough to bug them into replying to me. Moreover, The account I decided to DM was Gary Goodridge the fighter that I talked about last week who was suffering from brain injuries due to sports. The message I sent him was regarding the specific injuries he sustained and what made him want to become an unofficial spokesperson for mental health. As of now I have not received a reply unfortunately.

After attempting to contact Mr. Goodridge, I decided I needed to search for more accounts that are associated with my topic. The first account I started with was a new follower that I gained @RachelPruchno. The moment I followed this account back I saw a string of new accounts pop up in a section that said “You may want to follow this accounts”.

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The accounts that popped up were all very close to what I was looking for and I really wish I would have started doing this sooner so I could have built up my following list more and found even more relevant information.

I also DMed @RachelPruchno about her new book called Surrounded By Madness: A Memoir of Mental Illness and Family Secrets. Ms. Pruchno promoted her book on her account and it sounded very interesting to me and I messaged her regarding the motivation for the book.

Overall, this week was very productive in finding new accounts to add to my following list; however, it would have been a lot more fun and productive if the accounts I messaged would have replied.