Challenge 5: Component 1: Engage

This week our challenge is to engage. Since we have been researching our topics and finding sources, now we must “make moves.” It took me awhile to figure out how I wanted to do this, I was really unsure about what I wanted to say or where I wanted to go with engaging. Being a shy person made this that much harder for me, but I knew it had to be done. The approach I took on for this weeks challenge was simply acknowledging the woman’s blog post that I came across last week. Not only do I think what she did was completely incredible, but sharing it with the world is such a brilliant idea. So many people here about this stuff on the news or elsewhere, yet fail to try to put themselves in those peoples shoes and that’s exactly what she did. Reading and hearing things from someone who has experienced first hand makes my connection to my topic much deeper than just reading articles on the web. I posted a comment where I originally discovered this blog post, which was on Instagram, recognizing her for her work and letting her know why I am engaging in this topic. I look forward to growing with this engaging process and not letting my shyness interfere by making an account for the blogging website this woman used, and also creating a Twitter, both of coarse to improve myself and create a digital footprint that will eventually make a difference. Let’s see what next week brings!
