Challenge 5: Component 2: Actively Re-tweeting

This is another week of engaging with our social topics. Last week I had a lot of interpersonal issues, this week I decided to try to just let those go and re-tweet more things that I saw which grabbed my attention.  Most articles, pictures, or posts in general that I clicked on regarding my topic are things that I re-tweeted. This is a big step for me because like I stated before, it takes a lot of me to feel comfortable, but I’m just trying to go for it. Last week I left a comment on an Instagram page, which didn’t get a response, but I knew it was a fifty-fifty chance.  I tried to engage more this week by re-tweeted more, a lot more than I expected from myself.  One of the quotes that I re-tweeted was from the United Nations Human Rights Twitter page which read, “ #RefugeeCrisis: Migration doesn’t threaten any culture. Every society on this planet was fashioned by women & men who came from elsewhere.” This really spoke to me because I feel like it has so much truth to it, humans are treating other humans as if their lives have no meaning and this is so sad. Reading and seeing all of the news on the refugee crisis makes me question the world and what we can do to help. I see so many organizations and random people dropping everything to help, and this gives me hope that the world will get the bigger picture. This will have been done by participatory culture of the Internet getting people together and making that change. Although I have not gotten any responses from anyone, I see a step in the right direction regarding my engaging process. I do not feel as apprehensive to post things that I feel are important for others to know about.  My plan for next week is to continue to re-tweet, adding some comments on these links and even trying to spark a conversation by tagging someone directly or even just acknowledging someone for the things they are doing for the refugees.  I’m hoping maybe one of those techniques will allow me to grow and develop more with my topic and being more active online.  Although it has taken me some baby steps to get to this point, I can only myself getting better from here.