Challenge 5: Component 3: Finally, a response!

Hey there! So this is our third and final week of engaging, which technically I believe the engaging shouldn’t stop here but as for the layout of our assignments it does. From week one until now I have expressed how apprehensive I have been to put myself out there, it has been something that I have been working on though and this week I think it finally paid off. Starting conversations or even asking questions as I have previously stated is always something that makes me so nervous, but I finally built up the courage to tag people personally on Twitter and ask questions. This has been one of my biggest goals because after the past two weeks of doing so, I have felt that just re-tweeting wasn’t getting me exactly what I wanted. I did gain a lot of information about the refugee crisis and it made me want to be a part of it even more, but this week has kind of changed the tables for me. So like I said I built up the courage to directly contact people who are actually out there helping out and posting about it, although I did it kind of late from when I had to write this blog post, I did get a response and it made me so happy! I was so excited that someone actually took the time to respond to me. I found a woman by the name of Sofia Khan who is volunteering her help to the refugees in Calais where she says the distribution of helpful aid is good via warehouse, but she did state that there are other places where supplies needed are more acute. She has been so willing to give information on her behalf and what she is experiencing that has taught me a few things that I didn’t know about the crisis. She also referred me to a Facebook page, which I haven’t gotten the chance to check out but I am excited to see what that is all about. Sofia helped me so much this week, not only was it a great experience getting a response but from someone who seems so friendly and willing to share information was great! I am looking forward to seeing what I can do to help and this definitely will not be my last week of engaging. HERE is a direct link to my Twitter account (tweets and replies section of my page) in case any of you would like to see the conversation between Sofia and I.