Challenge 5 – Engage

Hello Everyone! For this weeks challenge in #UNIV349DC we were tasked with instructions to actually engage with other social media users via their respective sites. Since my professors narrowed down the list of sites we could use for this challenge I decided to focus all of my energy on Twitter. For this challenge I also created a new Twitter account @univstudent349 to make sure I keep my school stuff away from my personal stuff.

In order to engage in twitter I followed the usual hashtags #mentalhealth and #mentalhealthawareness. During this week I found that #mentalhealth was drawing more congruent results. The following screenshots are of the results that arose with #mentalhealthScreen Shot 2015-10-27 at 2.31.58 PM Screen Shot 2015-10-27 at 2.30.08 PM

The first screenshot is of twitter user @Rethink_ which I found was a invaluable resource for those suffering from mental health and specifically thoughts of suicide.I did not really repost anything from them specifically but I did find the resources and links they post to be very helpful when it comes those who need immediate help. The posts that really inspired me as I read the comments because this site really seemed to help those in need. When I say those in need I am referring to those people who feel the need to self harm and that benefit from talking to someone who can help alleviate their anxiety or depression.

The second screenshot is from a collaborative site called @BBCPanorama. At the moment that site has the top tweet with a link to an article by Maria Kane, Chief Executive of the Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health Trust. I also used my twitter account to retweet things from that user. Moreover, in the article Ms. Kane discussed in her site that mental health is in critical condition and severely needs the help of others to fund the push for more mental health availability. Ms. Kane is part of a trust titled Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health Trust that attempts to serve those people who have mental issues that do not have their own means to reach mental health. The article describes how the Trust searches for people who need help and simply goes and does what it can to help.

After my engaging in both @Rethink_ and @BBCPanorama it has been reinforced in me how much mental health affects our country. Both users describe the extent of people that need help and how hard it is for these people to reach it.