Challenge 5: Engage PT 2

Hello Everyone! For this weeks challenge we continued in our attempt to engage in social media for our respective topics. My topic as usual has been mental health and instead of just retweeting things I found interesting on my topic I decided to look for people that were doing important work for Mental Health. Here is how that went.

For my topic of Mental Health I hopped on the hashtag #mentalhealth and looked at the list of users that would pop up. Here is a picture of the top results.

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If you look at the picture you can tell that many of the main accounts that are ran for mental health do not have a clear author and are some organization. Since the majority of the accounts on the top list did not have a face to them I was hesitant on sending them a message in fear that I would get something automated. As I continued to search the hashtag however I found a user that was very interesting. When I ran into the account by user @garyhgoodridge, I read his bio and learned that he was an MMA fighter in the UFC and an amateur boxing champion. The reason he popped into my feed; unfortunately, was because he suffered from permanent brain damage suffered from his career as a fighter. Due to his brain injury he suffers from depression and other mental health issues. I tweeted at him asking if he suffering from mental health has impacted his love for the sport but as of now he only liked it and not replied. :(

Another noteworthy item I found while attempting to engage was this article about people coming together to end the stigma on mental health.

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The screenshot above is the article I mentioned and it tells how Canada has come together to implant a system to improve mental health. They claim that in Canada mental health is the 3rd highest reason that people call out of work and if they were to implement some sort of system to improve the overall mental health it would actually be profitable. Other than this article I also retweeted another tweet about another group attempting to do the same thing and I found in both interesting and wonderful that people in different countries are coming together to finally make a difference on the mental health issue. Thanks for reading! See you guys next week.