Challenge 5 Part 2

Hello everyone! this week I will continue and build on the concept from last week. It has been an exciting roller coaster to experience how amazing it is to search a specific topic from the social media perspective. I have comment it on different blogs but I just keep on learning so many new perspectives about how beneficial social media websites are when used for the right things. As I moved on from lurking and actually engaging in social media I feel more involve with the topic I’m searching for. High college tuition is the cause of stress for a lot of students and getting the social media perspectives has been really interesting. The only obstacle I encounter was perhaps the lack of familiarity with specific social medias. I personally do not use many social medias,  but encountering my self with having some trouble finding professional and reliable information allowed me to have a really essential reflection. I came with the conclusion that my generation was raised with social media always being around; therefore, we tend to see it as just a source to be social when in reality social media is far from being  just an entertainment source. I decided to reflect back on how I’m engaging my self and I decided to apply some changes. I decided to read my group members’ blogs in order to obtain more tips and even sources to stay engage and obtain beneficial information about the topic of high college tuition. My goal to become really engage with the topic of high college tuition is still in progress and I really look forward to find out how this experiences changes my perspectives. I may not be done with this great experience but I am sure that I have change my perspective about social media in a really positive way.