Challenge 5 pt 2

This challenge is about engaging and researching more about the topic we chose in social media sites. The topic that I chose was Refugee Crisis which is one of the big problems in the world we have. I started to think which social media site I would use, so I logged onto my Facebook account which i hardly use and finally used it for a good cause. I also used my Instagram account to find out more about refugee crisis. In face book I saw so many posts about refugee crises when i typed it in. It was almost every hour someone was making a new a post and alerting the world what is happening in their own countries. There are a few posts I’m going to focus on for this week, next weeks and hopefully in the future is about a post on how kids arrive by themselves in other countries. Its still sad too see that kids leaving their countries with no parents because of whats going on in their countries. But when I was reading the post most of the kids traveling by themselves were with their parents but they just disappeared on the way. Most of the kids that fled the country to get to another were between the ages of 14-17. They mostly fled because of poverty issues, recruitment of soldiers, war, getting kidnapped to be suicide bombers, and deaths of family members. The most posts I also saw were posts on how to help refugee crisis and how can you donate cloths, money and foo to those that need it. I was really looking into some of those posts because it be neat helping some of the refugee crisis kids that are suffering in other parts of the world. On Instagram there was a picture that really meant something to me it was a picture of a kid staring at a boat and it said,” No one puts their children in a boat unless the water is safer than the land.” ( Warsen Shire). To me that meant that the child is safe in the water because they are either beiing shipped to another place for safety or someone for sure is going to find them and put them at least a better place where the war isn’t going on. Its sad to see kids suffering in these kind of situations. I think about it sometimes and see how can the world be so cruel to a young child and treating them badly. I hope to participate someday in some kind of help to save kids from refugee crisis in the future. Hopefully in these days till next week I engage in some kind of activity like that.