challenge 6 share

From the very first time in the class when I found out we had to use social media to complete the home work it was weird. I always thought we had to stay away from social media such as Instagram, Facebook, twitter, and snapchat while we were doing homework. But I found that it can be useful using these types of social media and put them to good use while your doing home work. Using the digital citizenship has taught me how to use it effectively for doing research for anything. when it comes to political issues and world issues I can use Facebook. If I wanted to look up something just simply typing a hash tag on Instagram and I can get images quick. I can even try to get the attention of someone running a campaign on twitter about anything just by tweeting to him or her multiple times in till they tweet me back. These were mainly the three types of social media that helped me get the information I needed for some of the work I tried looking for. Some ideas that will probably help me hopefully in the future is using social media as a resource to gather all kinds of information. From also reading the book digital citizenship I found useful techniques and other stuff I didn’t know about. I also found out how many people all over the world are using the internet to get connected with each other. I mean I knew that they do but in a more useful way to get information about campaigns and other issues that are happening all over the world. I think thats pretty cool because now people know whats going on all over. You can find out also if you have some things in common in your society that is happening lets say somewhere in Australia that is the same thing. I remember one of my teachers saying that she used Facebook and posted something about some certain type of cancer and she got a lot of comments about that certain type from people all over the world who were trying to help her. Its a great way to get in connect with other people with different backgrounds also because you get to know about their problems.  I also learned how to keep a safe digital citizenship and not sharing that much personal information for the right or wrong reasons. Many people still fear that you can get hacked or someone trying to use your identity. But all you got to do is  just put the information you, yourself, want people to know about you and you won’t have a problem. I feel like in the future I can use everything  learned in this class in good use. I don’t want one day just putting my name and something bad happens that I did. So thats why Im going to make good decisions so if they put my name on Google something good pops out.