Changing Families, Chapter 7/ Sexualization of Girls

This chapter wasn’t too shocking for me.   I don’t think that TV shows or movies have to do with teenagers or unmarried women getting pregnant.  I think the TV shows Teen Mom and 16 and Pregnant are focused on educating girls about why birth control is so important if they want to become sexually active.  Back then, they didn’t have TV shows like these, but numerous teens ended up getting pregnant. Also,  women and girls today have a lot more freedom now than 50 years ago.  This is because of birth control becoming legal and women don’t necessarily have to rely on a man anymore for an income.  Additionally, weddings have become immensely expensive; as a result, people are opting out of marriage to save money and just want to start having kids.

The sexualization of girls article was interesting.  I have noticed that young girls clothing stores today have a lot more revealing clothing, than when I was that age.  I think they believe it is okay to dress revealing because many stores they go to sell that type of clothing.  In my opinion, social media like snap chat and Instagram have escalated girls attitudes to want to dress sexy.  Many girls want to pose in revealing clothing in order to get as many “likes” on their pictures as they can.  I don’t even have those forms of social media because I don’t necessarily agree with what it is doing to young girls, or even young boys for that matter.