Chapter 1 in textbook

Hey guys!

I found it very interesting that the most crucial crisis for children in America is poverty.  Many individuals assume that media is the most important issue involving kids.  However, I assumed the same thing and did not realize that more than 16 million kids live in poverty in America.  I believe if the public had this valuable information, than individuals would be focused on this larger issue.

In addition, I think its interesting that there has always been a certain fear people had about media outlets.  One of the things that was brought to my attention is the banning of comic books in New York from 1942-1976.  In my opinion, I think parents look to blame these media outlets on how their children behave.  For instance, if their child is acting out it must be because of the type of music they listen to or Facebook.  Ultimately, different forms of media are increasing and this phobia about media will remain unless the public is educated that it is not the sole cause of social problems we have today.