Chapter 10

I definitely agree with the author that we live in a consumption oriented society.  I think that many parents give in to buying their kids products because of the nag factor.  Many parents don’t have time to take their children clothes shopping; as a result, they give their child money, and another family member or friend will take them. Also, there are ads everywhere we go, especially aimed toward children.  There are pepsi and coca cola ads at schools, even I remember seeing these ads when I was in high school.  Although, I think younger children have been advertising numerous brands without even knowing it; for instance, wearing Disney shirts that has there favorite characters on it.

Additionally, I like the statement that Sternheimer wrote, “show people love by getting them gifts.”  I think this is true for our society because there are usually gift gifting activities around the holidays.  Children get this idea in their mind that it is mandatory to show people they care about by buying them presents, even though that may not be true.