Chapter 5 and the Josh’s demise

Well… let me start off by saying that I could not be happier at the outcome of this episode of Survivor.  The episode started where last weeks’ left off with Julie leaving and the tribe being able to avoid tribal council for a night.  Josh seemed to have a bit of extra confidence claiming that Jeremy was residing off of “borrowed time,” cool analogy… too bad it was false.  Jeremy and his group of randomly selected teammates were teamed up to compete in a reward challenge against other tribe members… what was funny was that members of each alliance were distributed among each team requiring people who weren’t all that friendly with one another to have to work together in order to win the reward of a taco fiesta.  Jeremy’s team won by use of great teamwork.. there wasn’t just one clear cut leader.  But when it came down to the immunity challenge Jeremy demonstrated great leadership for his alliance by staying focused and winning individual immunity for himself, causing the other alliance to have no idea who to vote for.  This is where Josh demonstrated the worst type of leadership possible.  By putting Baylor on the chopping block and still trying to “lead” her in the direction of voting off someone he wanted by attempting to make her feel like she owed him something, really left a bad taste in her mouth.  Since Baylor is the youngest, outspoken, and a girl, she is able to get sympathy a little easier than the guys are and luckily had John’s girlfriend on her side.  By John’s girlfriend being able to influence his decision, the tribe was successfully able to get Josh out of the game.