Chapter 5 Group Leadership

This episode focuses in on the power dynamics of Jeremy and Josh. Jeremy is the leader we have identified form the beginning, he pushes that persona of himself. Josh is a leader that you feel a certain magnetism too because of his liveliness and wittiness. This is their face off for gaining power and we can begin to identify what strategies they are using, as well as what they can be categorized as. We see Jeremy thrives off of this personal power and being a leader, whereas Josh uses coercive power which is identified as someone who “controls and deals out sanctions and punishments”. We specifically see this in his attempt to convince Baylor to be his alliance because he was hers earlier on in the season. If we analyze Josh using the 5M Model of Leadership Effectiveness we can determine his manner of approaching Baylor was ineffective as a leader because for her to agree, she would have to feel like she can trust him as a leader…which she obviously doesn’t. Now if we analyze the leadership skills of Jeremy using the Fidler’s Contingency Model of Leadership Effectiveness, we would certainly categorize him as a task-motivated leader. Like stated earlier on, he enjoys his power. These two very different men are face to face, and this is getting very interesting to see which leadership type is more successful, but it is important to remember this leadership type can be most fitting for one situation and setting but not the other.