Chapter 5 Leadership

This episode ties into chapter five on leadership in the text by the different leaders forming within the group. After Josh got voted off the island, Reed was struggling to stay in the game. Although every member is competing individually, the members are still keeping their alliance to keep themselves in the game. Jon and Jacklyn seem to be the power couple that has the strongest alliance, which includes, Jeremy, Missy, Baylor, and Natalie. Jon and Jacklyn are examples of emergent leaders. According to the text, emergent leaderships occurs when a leader emerges from the group instead of being promoted(Engleberg and Wynn, pg 103). Baylor was able to win the elimination challenge, therefore, winning an elimination idol making her safe from elimination. This lead her to earn the position power which gave her a stronger status within the group. Reed struggles to have a better alliance with Jon and Jacklyn’s group by steeling an idol from Keith’s bag.

As elimination approached, Jon decided to try to get Jeremy voted off the island due to the fear of Jeremy telling the other members that Jon has the idol. Unfortunately, Jeremy was voted off the island leaving many of the members shocked. I believe now that Jeremy was suddenly voted off, this will cause the other tribe members to go against Jon. The betrayal Jon portrayed may lead to his elimination in the future.