Chapter 6 Post#6

In the episode “Million Dollar Decision” the Coyopa and Hanahpu tribe was joined together to make one group. The tribe members named their group Hoyopa. The group used nonverbal communication when Josh said that he wanted to vote out Jeremy by getting closer to everyone and letting them know why he wants to vote out Josh. As the group members work together they team talk about what they think will happen now that everyone is joined together to play the game. As the show continues abstract words are used when Julie starts telling Missy that she doesn’t have a support system anymore. Offensive language was used in the group when John was really upset that Julie stole the trail mix from the group. Julie was guilty that she had trail mix and didn’t share with anyone but at the same time she said that she would only share with those that she likes.  In my opinion I thought that Julie was being somewhat selfish but at the same time she is their by herself to win the competition.

With Jeremy and Missy their isn’t personal distance but their should be. With Josh and Baylor social distance still remains because they are acquaintances. This episode didn’t end with  much intensity and I hope the next episode is better.