Chapter 8/ Relationship between TV viewing and unhealthy eating

While reading chapter 8 it is evident that obesity, anorexia, and other eating disorders are caused not only by TV usage, but also how the child is raised.  For instance, obesity has been a growing problem in America for kids, but adults as well.  Some of these parents may buy them junk food each month; as a result, the child only has bad foods in the house to eat.  On the other hand, a parent that eats nutritional food may only buy those foods; as a result, that adolescent only has healthy foods to eat.  Additionally, poverty is a predictor for obesity because fast food is cheaper than organic foods, and these children also don’t have access to sports programs to stay fit.  Another health problem is anorexia and bulimia, which consists of 7-9 million individuals.  It was interesting that this group consists of young women, but men also have these eating disorders as well.  Many people say that the fashion industry is to blame, but I think that it is only a part of it.  I have heard of the “thinspiration” websites before and was astonished to learn that these sites actually exist.  To add, numerous models in the fashion industry are naturally skinny, and I don’t think that young girls take that into consideration.  Also, there are a variety of TV shows based on weight loss, like The Biggest Loser.  I think these types of shows are putting an idea in these kids mind, although not all kids are obese, have anorexia, or another form of eating disorder.   To sum up, I agree that the health care system is a problem.  Many individuals can’t afford health care; as a result, kids don’t have access to nutritional doctors in order to stay at their healthy weight.

While reading the article, it was crazy to me that on a daily basis, children view 15 food advertisements.  I think that this is a factor to develop unhealthy eating habits, although I agree that parent-child communication is vital.  If a parent talks with their child about unhealthy food ads, than they may think twice about eating a bag of potato chips.  I also think that parents should speak to their kids about nutrition, and providing more healthier foods in the home (if they have the means of doing so).  Additionally, I found it interesting that the participants in this study consumed more healthier foods.  Ultimately, I believe that eating habits come from the food provided from parents and schools, and that TV commercials are just a portion of the problem.