Chapter 9

After reading this chapter, I believe that pop culture is not the issue involving teens smoking and drinking.  I think it depends who the child’s friends are and if they smoke or drink.  I think it has a lot to do with peer pressure, than from ads shown on TV or in a magazine.  Additionally, I agree with the author that some parents buy their children alcohol or cigarettes.  However, if a parent smokes, does drugs or drinks in the home, I don’t think that child is going to grow up wanting to do the same thing.  I think it all depends on the situation and how an adolescent perceives this type of behavior.  Although, I do agree that college students are more likely to drink than their peers.  I think this is again due to peer pressure from friends.

To add, I also think that people are more health conscious now, than individuals were 50 years ago.  I believe this is why the smoking rates have gone down, and the people purchasing cigarettes are in the middle age range.