Checking in

Hey folks,

Don’t know who is reading or do I really care? No. But if you are then wow and thank you for keeping up with my life. So its been  5 months since my return to the american life. I’m back to working and what not. I recently took a small weekend vacation and it was good to relax. Do I miss my life in China? Yes, of course I do. I am still at that point where I want to see everything and go everywhere. Of course coming back to this life means taking all the old responsibilities. Dealing with love life drama and near death experiences (not me). But its just been one hell of a roller coaster ride, and let’s just say I had to tell someone. So what is it I have to tell you? Honestly, just every random thought running through my brain right now.  What accomplishments have I made, what progress is stuck. How am I holding up? Who do I really care to talk to, and who should I just delete from my life. Why am I so brave against life, but so afraid of it as well. What can I do to make people smile again. Every moment I wonder am I truly helping others or am I just trying to help myself. I honestly hate the lime light of punishment but I crave approval, does that mean I’m shallow? Is it wrong for me to be shallow?

Hopefully I’ll get over this Monday moody funk. Thanks for reading.

“Pampering yourself has no limits” – Brian Thai