Children, Televisions and Ads

Juan, I agree reading the article from University of Michigan Health System was great. I found a lot of what they were talking about to be interesting and things I’ve questioned myself. One thing I found interesting was the fact they said “We don’t know yet what effect TV-viewing by babies may have on their development” on the first page. The reason I personally find that interesting was because while I was at Orange Coast College I took a Childhood Development class and we learned that any television before the age of four effects the children’s development. Even though it does discuss it a little more in detail later on in the article I still have a hard time understanding how it affects the young children and babies. I took that class a few years ago so it is possible the information is out dated but I hope to find out more about it through this class.

Although some of the activities the article states kids are missing seem obvious, it did surprise me when I read all the different statistics on kids and television. This article makes me feel and realize that we need to help children realize television should not be a priority and they should go outside and play. When the article stated what happens to some children it really scared me.


Jenna, that’s interesting that you read an article about that in high school, that’s also something similar to what I learned in my Childhood Development class. Was anyone else ever asked to go to those groups where a company has a product and ask your option on it? When I was a kid I would go sometimes and I always remember them asking, “As a kid do you find this interesting… would you ask your parents or guardian for this?” or “Does this ad make you want to buy this or not?” It‘s interesting how those focus group questions relate to the article and how to get and convince parents to buy more. I also find it interesting how much our past presidents and government have had such an impact on how kids are and how they get parents to teach kids to buy things/ have their own things. The quote you used from the article was part of what I wanted to talk about. “Through such experiences personality develops” It’s interesting to see how ads, television, and products can affect a Childs personality, belief and more and how the government supports that, even though at times it can be harmful.