CI Computer Girls hosting a Coding Boot-camp on 4/18 and 4/25

The Coding Bootcamp is a series of day-long Saturday workshops hosted by the CI Computer Girls club at Ojai Hall 1952 on 4/18 and 4/25 from 9am to 5pm where students can learn some computer programming without having had any prior experience. This event is led by current CI students and is open to all CI students. Students can sign up for 1 or 2 workshops, each designed to introduce them to fun programming concepts. We will also have speakers present who will talk about their experiences working in tech. Students will learn how to create their own webpage and make it interactive as well as use CI Keys in order to build their own space online in a dynamic and friendly environment! Breakfast and lunch will be provided. Students must register online to attend the event at . Space is limited and selection will be based on a first come first served basis. Contact for more information (participants and volunteers are welcome).

twitter: @CIComputerGirls
instagram: @ci_computer_girls
