CI Events Going On This Week!

Hello Univ 349,

As I said in class yesterday, I will be posting the events on WordPress each week, instead of giving a long list of announcements in class! This way we can spend more time doing activities and having awesome discussions! The events are hyperlinked so if you click on them it will direct you to the CI website and give you more information on that particular event.

On a side note Channel Islands Student Housing and Residential Education is hosting the Tunnel of Oppression event.

The Tunnel of Oppression is a campus diversity initiative originally developed at Western Illinois University in 1994, inspired by The Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles. The creators of the Tunnel of Oppression sought to provide participants with an emotionally charged experience that would allow them to briefly experience what oppressed groups have endured/continue to endure in their lives. Through the use of photographs, facts, displays, vignettes, videos, and recordings concepts and forms of oppression are communicated to and interpreted by participants.

After “going through” the Tunnel participants (usually a small group – no more than 15 people) are able to debrief their experience with the facilitators who lead them through the Tunnel. Traditionally to close the debrief participants are asked to consider what actions they will take in their own lives to aid in deconstructing oppression.

If this is something that might interest you, they are looking for volunteers and actors to help with the event. If you are just interested in attending the event is October 28-29th registration is now open. You do not need to register but it helps so that they have enough people to work the event. It is more like an RSVP. If you are looking to get involved e-mail me and I can set you up with the right people. For more information you can visit

CI Events 09

Have a Wonderful weekend!

Katelynn Crook , TEA