
Cyclosporine, also known as Gengraf, Neoral, or SandIMMUNE, is an immunosuppressant that is used for Prevention and treatment of rejection in renal transplants. It also has an unlabeled use of treating steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome. It performs this by inhibiting normal immune responses, both cellular and humoral, by inhibiting interleukin-, which initiates T-cell activity. It is available through PO and IV and is metabolized by the liver and excreted in bile with only a small amount is excreted unchanged in urine. Cyclosporine is contraindicated and should cautiously be used in renal impairment. Some major adverse effects regarding the kidneys is diarrhea, vomiting, hyperkalemia, hypomagnesemia, and nephrotoxicity.

Nursing considerations would be to educate patients that some common side effects are nephrotoxicity, increased blood pressure, hand tremors, increased facial and body hair, gingival hyperplasia. Also, it is important instruct the patient to notify their healthcare provider if they experience hematuria, cloudy urine, decrease output, increased frequency, fever, sore throat, tiredness, or abnormal bruising.