Civil Rights Act 1964

September 18th, 2015

To my understanding, the The Civil Rights Act in 1964 was basically having equality around the nation no matter race, religion, or sex. I had the opportunity to look through some letters during that time period to Congressmen Harold “Bizz” Johnson. Most of the letters I saw were against military’s and the army spending money to fight against African Americans who were protesting in the streets. Some protests turned into riots and it got to a point where people were killing other people. But some of the letters I came across were high school students interested in the Civil Rights Act. They just wanted to know some information about whats happening in the U.S.

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This photo is a simple high school student wanting to know Johnson’s views and knowledge of the Civil Rights Act. This student is “deeply interested” in the civil rights issue which he think is so important.

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This photo contains a woman wanting to know why money is spent towards the fight against African Americans. She would like to know some information on why this is happening.

These two photos are intriguing because in my opinion it shows that some Americans had no idea what was happening in there country. And I give credit to this Congressmen because in his letters of reply, he is explaining what is happening and why this act is in play. Maybe some responses are a little general but most are pretty specific.