Civil Rights Bill1964

The Civil Rights Bill of 1964 was a controversial topic all around the Unites States. A majority of Republicans were completely against the passing of this bill due to the major jumps the society was expecting people to adjust to. The letter I  selected was from a man who’s name is J. Arthur Peterson. Peterson states that he is opposed to the  Civil Rights Bill and suggests that Senator Biz Johnson also appose the bill.

To explain the bill that later turns into an act was created to fulfill the 14th amendments and create equal rights between “Negros” and the white americans. This banned all segregation between the two along with any form of racial discrimination in the employment and educational fields.

“We feel that this is the most vicious piece of legislation ever proposed.”

This statement by Peterson plays in many factors on what was going on society. There where various revolutions going on than there where able to keep count of. One of the major rolls that was to keep in play was the various revolutionary leaders and court cases such as Brown v.s. the Board of Education (1954) this created the “separate but equal law.” People were unable to accept the law due to its very major change. This ruling being considered a very major step in the african american civil rights movement got the ball moving leading up to the bill.

Still taken on behind the scenes was various uncivilized acts against African Americans. Police Brutality went on before this bill was passed, beatings on mothers who were with their kids in the middle of the street took place, even making eye contact was enough to create a violent crime on an african american.