Civil Rights Letter

When it comes to civil rights you would think people would want what is best for everyone. Although according to Mr. & Mrs. Del Halone from Chico California wrote a letter to congressman Johnson in August 28, 1963. Stating that they believe everyone deserves to be free yet not everyone is equal. Their letter seems contradicting because they start of by saying everyone is equal and god seems everyone the same. Then they go of explain how they African American people need to gain respect from everyone. While I was reading this I thought to myself what is it that makes non-colored people respectable as soon as they are born but does not make an African baby respectable? Mr. & Mrs. Del Halone speak of African Americans as people who have committed a crime and now has to work their way up to being respected by the public again. They also add in heir letter they do not want to be voted in the trap when the “civil rights” legislation is proposed, this clearly states they do not agree in civil rights although they say they do. To me it’s just surprising to think people were actually against in everyone being treated equal.
Mr. & Mrs. Del Halone letter on Civil Rights