Confidence Takes Practice

It is said that both leadership and education both take confidence. They both take the belief in yourself that you can excel at whatever task is in front of you. But how does someone get that confidence? How do you get those beliefs?


I am of the opinion that self confidence is gained by trying. Everyone tries new things and sometimes when something is unfamiliar you do fail. But when someone puts in the effort to do the best that they can, and keeps trying in spite of any failures-that is when confidence starts to grow. This also does not happen all at once. Confidence takes time. Confidence takes practice. Confidence even takes failure.

I am not the best at everything I do. Sometimes I worry when I am in a leadership position. This year has shown me that many times I even worry unnecessarily that what I am doing is the wrong action to take.  I try so hard to not make any errors that I end up making more. My leadership position  has been a learning experience in not being afraid of failure. Of not being afraid to make mistakes. We all make mistakes and I think that it is time that we realize that our leaders do too. Being self confident is a process. I am on my way in that process as are many of my friends and peers.  As a part the graduating I know that the real world may take just as much confidence to succeed, in it if not more.

I believe that I am at the point in my journey that I know and believe, (because sometimes those are two different things)  that I will keep trying in the face of obstacles. Each success that I achieve will give me more confidence in my skills and the path that I am taking. So my advice for anyone who is looking to build confidence for either their education or because they want to become a peer leader is try. Try and keep trying. Take every experience that you can and learn from it. Do not hold back from trying something new because you are afraid to fail.  Practice your skills in spite of failure and when you look up you may see that you know that you can do a task. You know it and believe it because you have already got the skills that are the foundation for it.