Conflict in Survivor

That was an entertaining episode! I couldn’t stop laughing at Drew the whole time. Unfortunately for him, the “Kingpin’s” ego got in the way of his million dollars and completely came back to bite him. There were multiple conflicts throughout the episode, connecting it perfectly with chapter 8, Conflict and Cohesion in Groups.

Affective conflict continues with Drew and the Hunahpu tribe as all he seems to want to do is whine and complain about the fishing gear. The girls of Hunahpu are annoyed with Drew’s attitude and the way he conducts himself around camp. Keith also gets himself into an affective conflict with Jeremy when he tells the other tribe members that Jeremy must have the idol behind Jeremy’s back. The other tribe members immediately tell Jeremy what Keith had told them, and this severely pisses of Jeremy. After feeling like they had just formed an alliance and bond through their firefighting careers, Jeremy is outraged at the betrayal from Keith. What seemed like a strong alliance and friendship quickly turned 180 degrees as Jeremy immediately declared he would be gunning for Keith now.

Alec also continues to engage in affective conflict through his communication and bossy attitude towards Baylor. Alec seems to think that since his dad always called him out on his work and made him do work over Drew he can act the same way towards Baylor. Baylor is obviously annoyed and feels uncomfortable with the roles that Alec has established between them.

The biggest and most crucial conflict comes when it is time for Hunahpu to finally vote their first tribe member off. Procedural conflict occurs as almost everyone has a different idea about how the group should go about voting off a tribe member in respect to their future as a tribe. Most of the tribe logically decides that Julie would be the best vote because she really doesn’t bring anything to the table in the challenges or at camp. Drew tries to stir things up when he declares that getting rid of Kelley is the tribe’s best option. Drew sees Kelley as a threat and wants her gone. Unfortunately for Drew, the girls don’t feel the same way and either do the other guys. The girls make a plan to vote Drew off but have a hard time convincing the guys who are all over the place. Jeremy really has no clue what to do and feels like he has no option but to side with the girls and vote Drew off. Smart guy Drew and his manipulation skills apparently didn’t work out like he thought they would and was sent packing.