Connected means more than just “plugging in”

I’ve been struggling for some time now (well, since the summer anyway) to make sense of what being “connected” really means when it comes to educators and courses.  I’ve seen a few general ideas of what connected means to others and I’ve seen some of it in action through my participation in connected courses.

I’m new at this game, so please, connect me if I’m wrong (and I may be plugged in aloneoversimplifying things) but being connected seems to mostly mean being “plugged in.”  On the individual level, this seems to mean that you’re digitally “plugged in” to various social media (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn) and to current uses of technology.  It’s a sort of individual thing… how well are you connected?

Then there is idea of connecting more than one courses together in some way – either an entire course or even just one module


-I made assumptions about what it meant over the summer and it seems my definition is a bit different

-not just about numbers

-aligning outcomes

-working together to create a purposeful