Course Reflection

1.Group C first went through the development  of Forming. All of us were cautious of each other and did not act so brash. Then as time passed we all loosened up to the point we were now norming. We understood that we needed each other to obtain a certain grade.

2. We each had and had not a role. Each individual were equal and if there was a role the role the only person who had a prominent role would be Celina being our scribe and note taker. Other than that each of us understood that we had to do things to make sure our projects were up to par.

3.All of us were from different diversity. But I was the only Asian while the other four were in a pair. I found myself  a bit left in the dark and if no one was going to stand up and do their work then I might as well enforce the projects. No one questioned my overseer and leader power. I did tell them if no one has objections then i wouldn’t mind being the group organizer/ leader. They said nothing, I said if you guys are ok then re-read the paper/ tribal form, and make sure ask me if you guys are ok with me being the leader. They did not ask anything. So the two biggest cultural difference i faced was 1. Ethnicity role, and 2. cultural mentality.

4. I wonder about that. If I wasn’t the leader then how bad this group could have been. Hudson said he could be a great leader but ironically he has not contacted the group for more than a month this semester, Miguel tries to ease his way off works, tries to leave early and complains. Amy was some what complaining but she stuck around the only issue she had was she was easily panicking and did not think deeply enough. Celina wins the MVP award. She always did her work and tried to make time to meet each time,though she could done a bit better but when time was crucial she was there and took notes, prepared and did what she needed to do. As for me….I felt like I was carrying the whole group for the most part and that was hard especially when I am also the leader for 4 different group projects.

5.I think we lacked motivation to be honest. It was not the motivation but more on the lines of “we have to do this for our grades” which is not motivation but a mental drive telling us live or die. It was a mutual understanding that all of us wanted to pass and will work for it.

6.The one most prominent member who used a lot of nonverbal indications was Miguel. The rest of us did too but i saw more non verbal expressions and body language from Miguel. First and foremost is his grins. If he gets irritated and want to leave he will grin first and then ask if we are done. Second behavior was tapping. He will tap his finger on the desk or tap his foot when he felt time restraint and the urge to just bolt or wanted things done.

Amy had one , which was the jaw dropping expression, Celina had her eyes widen and Hudson normal face changes into this uh half smile half jaw dropping expression.  And im sure mine is me sharp glare or eye brow raising since i felt like the group was slacking off here and there.

7. Listening was chaotic. When we get into groups we will start talking about our upcoming projects and try to work on them. But as time flew by each member started talking about food, entertainment and other things that were not related to the project. I believe I talked about different classes i have to take but i do not know if i specifically talked about food or entertainment.

8.The conflict we faced was not a personal conflict but conflict of different ideas. Therefore all of us will sit down re state our ideas, put all ideas in a pool and then take out one or two that we vote to be most effective and interesting and work with those ideas and then implement other ideas that are left into our final conclusion which are our projects.

9. Our group decision making was simple. We voted which sounded the best. But as loose we were about this construct of groups it also loosen up everyone’s mind so far as they never questioned about ideas i made. Miguel tries to add ideas but he goes timid and then says never mind. Not until me or Celina asks him what his idea is he would repeat. So that was how we solved creative problems, votes and just following ideas…..this group felt like they only cared about their grade not about their responsibilities.

9. For Group meetings we always arranged the time and place for our meetings. As for 5 categories of meetings such like the disruptive category and chairing meetings etc we had them all. We had texters, interrupters, early leavers, late arrivers ect. But all of us had one thing in mind. Do your work and as long as the objective is met then our behaviors, how bad they may be, can be compromised.
so far all of us kept up the good work, except hudson who he said was busy but that is for him and the professor to discuss. For us we will keep our goals met what ever the cost.

10. Appendix 5: Our purpose is to present our information the way our professor. Our Audience were our classmates who were also in the similar position as us.  Our credibility were set by our continuous efforts to make our presentation better. Though there were many roadblocks we believe we tried our best to make each presentation entertaining and informative. Organization was set by each group taking their responsibility. Delivery: presentation aids, decent volume of voice and the words we try to use to make sure everyone understands, Attire, posture all were to be accounted for but I personally believe they need more practice. Content and logistics are done by our scatter but some how miraculous content research and somehow managed.

Overall I feel like the group was consistent but very incopetent. We all feel that we wanted our project done but we also felt that all of us did not have enough motivation to feel enthusiatic about anything.