crisis refugee articles

The assignment was to use google scholar and the library database from our school. When I typed my topic Refugee Crisis on Google Scholar it gave me a lot of articles about it. It also gave me various pages from books about my topic. I chose an article where it talked about a Earthquake that happened in South Asia and how it left many deaths and many homeless after the natural disaster.  It also talked about the estimate of the damage and how the United States came upon and helped them out. Also how the damage still affected six months late because of how poor the place where it happen is it was difficult for people to find homes, food and other stuff they need.  The other article I chose from google scholar talked about some lessons from foreign refugee crisis on what to do after a natural disaster comes and hits wherever you are. Also talked about how many countries help each other after a disaster happens.  It talked about mainly on how it affected hurricane Katrina and how people deeply suffered without water, food and shelter. The other article I found was about Syrians in the U.S and how they came here because of whats going on in their countries. it talked about the camps they had and how U.S is helping them live over here.  The U.S spends a lot of money helping these refugees but its for a good cause. Many countries don’t help that much due to lack of money.