Crossing the Channel Program

I am involved in the crossing the channel program with the junior high’s and high school’s in Oxnard. A group of CSU Channel Islands undergraduates work with these students to mentor them and encourage them to go to college.  Today, I was signed up to go to present my capstone project at the middle school. I left early to make sure I would make it there on time. I don’t have a navigation system or a smart phone, so I do it the old fashion way of looking it up before driving. I made all the correct turns and made it to Juanita St. in Oxnard with plenty of time to spare. I arrived in an office in the back of the school. When the lady asked me who I was, I told her I was with the crossing the channel program with Dr. Cause Hanna and am presenting to the 7th graders at 10:07. Confused, she called the front office. The front office had no idea what the crossing the channel program or who Dr. Cause Hanna was. However, because I told them I was scheduled to present for the 7th graders, they wanted to get all the 7th graders to go to the cafeteria to hear my presentation. They started calling around to the 7th grade classrooms and this is when Ms. Arroyo wanted me to come give the talk to her individual classroom. They then had me get in my car to drive around the block to the front office. This is when they ask me more questions on who I was and who I was supposed to meet. I then told them I was supposed to go to Ms. Arroyo’s classroom. After a few minutes of both the office lady and myself being confused, they asked what school I was supposed to be at. They then informed me I was at Cesar E. Chavez school. At the time, I blanked on the name of the school I was supposed to be at.

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I was about to take out my computer to look at my email to see which school I was supposed to be at, then the lady at the desk started naming off schools. She said RJ Frank Middle school. At this time, I realized I was at the wrong school the entire time! Oh, silly Ms. Arroyo wanting me to come speak to her classroom. Luckily, it only took us 20 minutes to figure out the whole situation. I was still able to make it to the correct school on time. Once I was on the correct campus, I soon recognized the students from the field trips. Long story short, the presentation went well. It just had an interesting start and makes for a good laugh.