Cyber bulling how do we stop it?

…a range of annoying and potential menacing online activities- such as receiving threatening messages; having their private emails or text messages forwarded without consent;having an embarrassing picture posted without permission; or having rumors about them spread online.”

For me this article touches me in a different way. When I was younger I was a victim of cyber bulling, my former best friend kept posting on my Myspace page how big of a slut I was and how horrible of a person I was.  And yet no matter how many times I’d erase the comment or blocked him he somehow would plaster it all over his page and made my senior year a big mess. Though I wasn’t suicidal I can relate to the text very easily. It does effect your mentality when someone is slandering you on social media; kids are caring more and more what people think of them on social media because it’s become their world.   This quote above really reiterates what I feel about the different signs of cyber bulling.  I can remember a movie called Cyber-bully; It’s a  really good movie that clearly shows how the effect it can have on a teenager. It’s a scary reality that we all need to kinda be open up to.