
Having access to a lot of social networks, makes it easy to target someone or to be targeted and bullied. Sternheimer talks about different situations where social network users have committed suicide due to being cyber-bullied. Nevertheless, towards the end of the chapter she mentions that the violent crimes rate in the US has lowered. There’s a chance that this decline is due to social media.

“Spoken words may fade into the past eventually, but electronic messages never really die.”

The quote above has some truth to it, not only with electronic messages but also with images. An image that someone may not want people to see may be posted online without that person’s consent. Anyone can end up having that image, and sometimes in situations like this cyber-bullying may occur.

There are many different situations that may lead to cyber-bullying,  but I think that there are ways to avoid being targeted. Such as setting the profile to private and only allowing people that you know have access to view your profile, or you can stay off social media; but that may not be as easy because it’s everywhere.