Cyberbullying is uncool!

Reading chapter four was a bit intense. Karen touched a very sensitive issue for a lot of individuals in cyberbullying. In chapter four, Karen elaborates on two central fears within media. One is cyberbullying, and the other is online predators. Moreover, the central fear that caught my attention was cyberbullying. The thought that an action such as cyberbullying can push one to their limits and end their life is saddening.

Reading the story about Clement and Ravi was not pleasant. The fact that Ravi exposed Clement’s privacy by setting a webcam, recording his encounters, and exposing his actions was cruel and demoralizing for Clement. This incident provoked Clement to commit suicide and take his own life.

This week was interesting because i can relate it to this chapter. I never experienced cyberbullying personally, but this past week was surreal. I was informed by one of the teens from work that her classmate took his life due to cyberbullying. His classmates were making fun of his homophobia which triggered his action of suicide. Additionally, this morning i was informed by my classmate that her roommate was on the verge of committing suicide last night. Due to stress levels being high, work being overwhelming, and being a student took a toll on her. Thankfully, she’s okay and well.

Lastly, cyberbullying is a very serious issue we need to take serious and into consideration of others. One little comment may trigger the other individual to erratic behavior, and may lead to something tragic.