DARPA Robotics Challenge 2015 part 2


The rest of the weekend progressed wonderfully the team had a lot of exposure at our booth in the expo We put our OpenROV, Leviathan into our demo tank, which was a hit with spectators and children. We fed the video from our laptop to a large monitor, so spectators could see the cockpit, and themselves. We later did a run in the National Institute of Standards and Testing’s (NIST) 18,000 gallon ROV test tank. Along with the other ROV groups such as VideoRay, and Deep Trekker, we deployed our OpenROV and went through the challenges.

NIST ROV test tank
NIST ROV test tank
The crowd at the main event
The crowd at the main event








There were a number of amazing expos, from Open Source Robotics, to armored military terrestrial units to new 3D printing technologies.We met people from all over the world, and saw new technologies. There were new control methodologies showcased, such as nerve impulse and brain electricity controlled units. There was an Unmanned Aerial Vehicles tent where many event winning UAVs were flown. We continued to show off our aerial and aquatic units, explaining our research and answering questions.

New multicolored 3D printing technology
New multicolored 3D printing technology
Autonomous armored vehicle
Autonomous armored vehicle