Day 6 – E.R.

BP: 40/20
HR: 20
Temp: 102.2
O2: 50%

WBC: 19.0
Bands: 16%
HgB: 13
HCT: 42%
PLT: 350
Glucose: 230 mg/dL
BUN: 22 mg/dL
Cr: 2.4 mg/dL

pH: 7.15
PaCO2: 88 mmHg
PaO2: 20 mmHg
HCO3: 23 mEq/L

Tracheostomy placed
Code called
A/C ventilator setting
RR: 12
Peep: 5
VTE: 500
I/E: 1:2
FiO2: 1.0

Pt became unarousable. V-fib was present on the monitor with a HR in the low 20-30s. Pt’s pulses were barely palpable. Skin was cyanotic and cool to the touch. Pt’s BP remained low despite maximum use of vasopressors and fluid resuscitation.

Pt became pulseless and a code blue was called. Chest compressions were immediately initiated. Rhythm assessed every 2 minutes. The code team continued CPR for the next 20 minutes. Patient’s wife at bedside refused tracheostomy and refused further treatment. The physician confirmed the pt’s time of death on 04/03/2015 at 0143. Pt’s family continues at bedside.