
March 16, 2016
Decisions. Digital image. Oynx Truth. Oynx Truth, 2016. Web. 16 Mar. 2016. .

Decisions. Digital image. Oynx Truth. Oynx Truth, 2016. Web. 16 Mar. 2016. <>.

Hi everyone,

Hope your week is off to a good start! In my last post I had mentioned how my group and I arrived at our group inquiry topic. However, if  you were not able to read my last post and have no idea what I am talking about,  it is okay I will fill you in :)

Our group had initially decided to research the topic of “baby talk”. In which, we arrived at this topic by first being interested in why parents refer to their children as food. For example when parents say, ” You are so cute I just want to eat you” or ” your cheeks are so chubby I just want to bite them”. As we discussed this topic further we had decided, “yes this topic sounds cool and interesting”.  However, even though we were able to find three interdisciplinary lenses to examine this topic through we could not find a valid issue to resolve. Therefore, we switched our topic to the use of “baby talk” (also know as nurturing talk) and how this affects a child’s speech development. In which, we wanted to focus the development of child’s speech from infancy to the age of five.We had planned on examining this topic through the following interdisciplinary lenses, health science, psychology and sociology.  Through these lenses we were going to analyze the hormone that triggers women to nurture their children by using “baby talk”, the psychology behind why people are inclined to talk their child as a “baby”, and lastly how does “baby talk” impact a child’s social  behavior and their speech development.

This topic was a great idea however, after researching the topic our search was yielding limited information. This past Monday, we began discussing our topic more in which, it then evolved into another topic. During our search for the use of “baby talk” we kept on finding results about the use of “baby talk” being used in nursing homes for the elderly. We then found an article of nurturing talk being used in relationships. In which, we decided, “okay maybe we can discuss the use of baby talk in these two scenarios”. However, we again came across the hurdle of not being able to find source available on CI’s databases.