Diabetes Insipidus

Once upon a time there was a 40-year-old Caucasian homeless male who had signs of dehydration including dry skin, dry mucous membranes, confusion, sunken eyes, and muscle weakness with BP 80/65, T 99.4F, HR 120, RR 22, SpO2 97%, Na 152, absence of pain, and complaints of dizziness and unquenchable thirst and was leaving a trail of urine all over town. The nurse assesses the patient and determines he has diabetes insipidus and begins to administer vasopressin and monitor hydration and electrolyte status, strict I&O’s per doctor’s orders. As a result of the actions the patient was discharged seaside to Ventura with his friends after BP 125/82, T 98.6F, HR 82, RR 20, SpO2 99%, Na 144, absence of pain and no complaints.

Team: Jenna, Nikki, Jennifer, and Allie