Different People, Different Views

Throughout the entirety of the trip, we experienced the viewpoints of four members of the CI faculty with different backgrounds and different experiences on the island. All the faculty’s perspectives not only have to do with the island’s physical aspects but its attachment to us and how it affects us and we affect it. Their perspectives help shape how we see the island, each other, the world, and even ourselves. Their perspectives also paint a picture in our minds of life on the island in the millions of years since it was formed.

It was mentioned a number of times that many different people settled on Santa Rosa before it became part of the national parks. Using the faculty’s strengths in anthropology, art, and biology, they could be able to map out the types of peoples and outlines their way of living, giving us a sense of who they were and how they lived.

Interacting with all the faculty has taught me that research isn’t an easy thing that’s just online. It’s more hands-on than I realized. It’s about going out and seeing things for yourself. It’s also includes you. You are part of the research too. Your contributions and findings help others with their research.