Digital Citizen

This week my class and I were to read an article about Digital Citizenship and watch a video about being knowledgable about technology and how to properly use it. Here are links to both.

I liked the digital citizenship article. It talked a lot about what it meant to be a good person online and not only that but what it meant to also participate online. It talked about critical thinking and the importance about the knowledge students take from the classroom and being able to use that in the digital world. I don’t think a lot of teachers even realize the concepts the students are learning can be applied to the digital world. Furthermore what the teachers should be teaching their students to become better digital citizens. I don’t know if the teachers realize and maybe they do, that their students are living in a world in which they must become or learn how to be a good person online in order to be a good person in real life. It has the same principles.

In the video the speaker talked a lot about being innovative. He spoke about what the students’ needs, which I think some of us forget. It was interesting to me to read all these posting about what it meant to be a student or the habits we take, and how I related to almost all of it. I knew what it was like to have a professor not know my name, or only read 48% of the reading material, and not have a fellow classmate skip class the majority of the time. I knew and experienced all of this and much more. And it was great to have someone bring this up because I feel that a lot of this gets bypassed, it gets skipped. Teachers, and not only teachers, are not listening to the voices they are trying to teach how to speak.

The speaker went  over not how to be knowledgeable but how to be knowledge-able. And I think that is a clear difference. I can do this instead of I know of it. That should be taught more and it ties into the reading by being a good digital citizen in that being a good digital citizen one also needs to contribute; not only to be kind and courteous but to pass on knowledge. Engage, be mindful, helpful, share, and laugh.