Digital footprint

When I did the ” My digital foot print” I was like okay lets see what kind of stuff I find about myself. When I googled my name I found a tons of people named Ricardo Esparza and none of those people were me. So then I put my high school name at the end and I just found my name in Max preps where it showed that I played soccer and football for my high school but I found no pictures. Then I googled my name and the city i live in Oxnard. I still didn’t find anything but I found my dads Facebook and the shop he use to own and I worked at. Nothing surprising and then I  googled all the user names for my social media accounts and I popped up.  It showed my old myspace page and it showed links to my friends profiles too. I think my myspace was private so it didn’t show that many pictures just my old profile picture on images. I also put my instagram username and it popped up and its public and nothing to hide. Its kind of scary though knowing people can just type in your name and something else like your city or school name and your information can pop up real quickly. Even if you have nothing to hide and don’t care who sees it, still to me is pretty uncomfortable. but then again it can be useful if your trying to do some research on that person , not in a stalking way though.