Digital Footprint Audit

While doing my digital footprint audit something that really surprised me was that any sort of social media sites such as Instagram or twitter did not show up for me even when I put my name and the social media site. Instead of social media sites something that did show up was my max preps site that was created for me when I played football in high school. After I looked at that I did an image search of my name and the city I’m from and looking through a bunch of pages I was not able to find any pictures of me. I believe this was because Whittier is highly latino city and my name is a typical latino name so a bunch of other hits for people of the same name probably got searched instead of me. While doing the search for just my name certain things that I found is that there is a major league pitcher that used to play for the pirates that shares my name as I continued to search under there I discovered there was also many minor athletes that share my name in the fields of boxing, basketball, and ultimate fighting. Going through the news tab other then the pitcher from the pirates I noticed that there were several news stories of people who shared my name that were getting arrested and put into prison. Overall, I was really surprised that none of my social media showed up but looking at how many Michael Gonzalez’ there were I made sense to me.Screen Shot 2015-09-08 at 2.35.34 PM Screen Shot 2015-09-08 at 2.19.36 PM