Digital Technology & Healthcare

Digital technology is fast becoming ‘the norm’ in all aspects of our society, and healthcare is no exception.  From having access to healthcare records with a few key strokes to simple things, such as new hands-free and wireless telephones for healthcare staff, technology is making most healthcare professionals’ jobs easier.  It’s great to have a smart device or computer unhand to look up any desired information at a moments notice.  I am by no means ‘a techie’, but I fully embrace  the technological advances and am willing to learn the newest things that come out.

I think that the new EHR’s and healthcare documentation software are making assessment documentation somewhat easier for nursing staff.  With an increasing number of RN’s coming into the workforce that are tech savvy, it is a time saver. However, in regards to the older nurse population, is has made documentation more difficult, as some are not comfortable with computers in general.  EHR’s also require a multitude of man hours for education in order to teach staff how to use the new systems.

Another downside to mobile technology is that it has driven people to seek healthcare advice from internet resources which may, or may not be reliable sources. People need to realize that digital media is a decent starting point, but if they have questions or concerns about health, their primary care physician is the best source.

I see technology used frequently within the hospital setting for patient education.  The hospital uses printed sources from Krames and other similar sites for medications, patient safety, exercise programs, and disease process education.