
During school, it is easy for me to disconnect from my phone. My friends and family know I’m in school so they don’t bother me with texts or calls. However, just because it is easy for me to not need my phone it is hard for me to not want to use it. I spent most of my morning in the library reading and doing homework but found that I would get bored and distracted easily so I would subconsciously go online. I had back to back classes from 12-6 so again, it was easy to not need my phone during those ours. While walking to my classes, I noticed some people had their earphones on and I did not see many people in groups. Because I was observing others, I purposefully tried to make eye contact with people but noticed that many either look down or just have a glazed look on their face. I believe technology has taken over our generation and a lot of what we do involves our phones or computers. Because I did this on a day when I had class, I found it kind of easy but if I had done this on a weekend, it would’ve been hard for me.