
I decided to disconnect yesterday, Tuesday, since I was planning to spend most of the way studying anyway. I was sure that being away from my phone, my computer, etc. would help studying progress much faster. When the day started I almost ruined it because usually when I wake up, the first thing I reach for is my phone. Just as I was reaching over I remembered but I decided to check the time with it only. After I took my sister to school, I went home and had breakfast. I will use my phone to look over the news or any social media while I eat breakfast but today I couldn’t and I felt like I was sitting wasting time while I was eating simply because I wasn’t multitasking. After breakfast I sat and talked to my mom for a little bit, not about anything in particular, just little things here and there. This actually happens pretty often, I didn’t need to promise to stay away from the phone for this to happen. For the rest of the time, until I needed to pick up my sister at noon, I studied and did other homework in my room with the phone in the living room I did have to use the computer to type up some stuff but I didn’t use it for social media or anything of the sort. At noon I left the house to pick up my sister from school and decided it would be the perfect time to take a trip to the store. When we got to the store I picked up exactly what I needed and then kind of wondered around just observe people I guess. I noticed that a lot of people were shopping by themselves. If they had company it was usually children too young to be in school. I think in a store people are kind of forced to interact because they can’t be on their phones while they push around a shopping cart. If they are with other people, there isn’t much to do besides talk, whether it be about the shopping or other day to day things. After the store I went home again and kept on studying/doing homework. The “experiment” ended when I go a text from work around 4pm that I had to answer. I didn’t find being away from my phone too hard because I usually don’t text/talk/look at social media constantly. It kind of made me realize though that sometimes you need it because other people need to communicate with you.