Disconnected from Social Media

Disconnecting from social media sounds easy in practice, but in reality we have been connected in for so long that it has become so hard nowadays to disconnect. Maybe if we actually checked out books from the library often or if our assignments in class did not have to be typed or done in video format than this task would be a lot easier. However, disconnecting for 24 hours was really hard due to the fact that I had class and I had to work on various assignments and had to use my lap top and online resources for the assignments. I find that when I am going on vacation or theme parks like disneyland and I am more distracted than it is easier for me to disconnect but most the days I am so connected into my technology. I actually like when I have the moments when I am lying on the beach and reading a book and relaxing, but those days now are very few. I looked around the building of Island Cafe and all around me there was various students on all sorts of social media. Though technology has brought on many great aspects and improvements in life and comfortability to our environment, it really would be nice if we could put away our phones, tablets, laptops, and ipods and just have fun with our peers and just talk to them.